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All karaoke tracks may not be legal for public or monetized services. It is every individual’s responsibility to check with the track manufacturer to determine its legal usage rights. Karatrack does not produce the music or synchronize lyrics.

Karatrack also provides legacy tracks for reference. These are tracks that may or may not be available from disc manufacturers or overseas sellers. Please check TOS provided by each manufacturer to determine legality of public performances for each individual brand.

Please be sure that if you download a track from Partytyme, that you select the proper format prior to purchase. We are in no way responsible for any purchases you make that are delivered in the wrong format. Karaoke-Version will allow you to choose your format after purchase from their site. Any questions, concerns or disputes must be made with the karaoke track manufacturer and not with Karatrack.

Remember, it is everyone’s responsibility to do their own research. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Karatrack will not be held responsible for any legal action arising from the use of any tracks found through this site.